Monday Update: Bastion, Self-Publication, and more

Yes, I realize that there haven’t been any updates during this past week. I’m sorry. Nothing really happens during Finals Week.

But we’re back now with some big news:

First off, a new blog post up at A Craftsman’s Journey, with my self-publishing announcement:

The Plan

Next, a new blog post up at The Vanishing Blog, with a video game review:

Why Bastion is Awesome

After that, a few more insights from A Cactus Named Valentine:


at last…

And finally, a long post about the death of the North Korean dicator, from my sister:

The Death of Kim Jong Il

(She’s living in South Korea right now, so it’s a really different perspective than what we’re getting here in the States.)

Friday Update: Class Projects and Various Links

Not much to say about this week. It basically vanished into a storm of classwork as the Finals season hits its full stride for this semester. What I do have, though, is still interesting:

Reader’s Block Presentation

It’s my attempt to transcribe my semi-creative class presentation into a visual-interactive form. A bit experimental for me, but I suppose it’s worth it to show off every now and then.

Also, earlier in the week, I posted an explanation for why we aren’t posting much on The Vanishing Blog. Yeah, I know, a bit redundant. But there it is if you want to take a look:

Explanation for Delays

But wait, that’s not all!

In other news, the exquisite l.e.yar started blogging again this week! She is a more skilled writer, more honest blogger, and all-around better person than I am, and I highly recommend you go over and check out her work over at A Cactus Named Valentine:

…cue sheepish entrance from stage left…

something to brighten up a Wednesday

startin’ stuff


Finally, on a completely different note, everyone should check out the video that John Scalzi posted on his blog earlier this week. It’s AMAZING:

High Up There on the List of Things I Can’t Do

Monday Updates: Short Story Project

Huh, how’d I miss the Friday update?

Oh, well. Not much happened, so no harm done. Right?

Anyways, onward with the news:

My final blog post from November talks about the feeling of sitting in Limbo between projects:

NaNoWriMo 2011 – Day 30

In addition, following that, I shared by plans for December’s project the following day:

December Project – Short Story Sprint

And… a progress report:

First Story: Complete

Unfortunately, I haven’t had a chance to post last year’s NaNo novel up in the NaNoWriMo section, but that WILL get done by the end of the year. I just need to pass this impenetrable barrier of Final Projects to finish off my semester.

Expect many more updates after that.